(about artist)
In loving memory of my Nelly.
(about artist)
late night break up drives no words said just the sound of the engine and a sad playlist | drive-in cinemas with duvets in the back seats on an incline | existential chats parked outside a driveway, engine on, only supposed to be a drop off | trips to places, insanity on the motorway, sandwich making passenger | moving flats, can't see out the back, wing mirror will do | battery dies, Christmas eve eve, 4am in a carpark | blown out speakers, scratchy base, lost voice from singing | warning light stop, water bottles filled, respite for my girl | Secrets, Confessions, Tears, Laughter and a whole lot of singing.
Purple Penelope (Nelly) August 2020 - June 2023
Nelly gave such comfort and safety in times that I had it no where else. Perhaps it sounds silly, but I owe so much of my happiness to that little purple car.
Goodbye old friend xx